Our Story

Joslyn was working a corporate job for a major bank and living back at home in Excelsior Springs, Mo. She created a profile on a dating app looking for someone that shared her passion for fitness and family.

Shawn was working as a police officer overnight and looking for someone that enjoyed outdoor activities and life adventures

Their relationship began in the Spring of 2021 and has been buzzing ever since.
Joslyn fell in love with Shawn's kind-hearted personality and his passion for serving the communities he polices (the jeep was a bonus, as it is for so many).
Shawn fell in love with Joslyn's witty personality and her taste for adventure.
As our relationship progressed, we learned how to work together as one, we learned how to encourage and support one another, and we found the kind of love we've never experienced before.
We knew from the early moments of our courtship that we had found the one we'd both been waiting for.
We are excited to start the next adventure in life, marriage!